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Computing Chow groups of affine, simplicial toric varieties

Let $k$ be an algebraically closed field. Let $X$ be an $n$-dimensional affine, simplicial toric variety over $k$. There exists an $n$-dimensional simplicial cone $\sigma$ in $\mathbb{R}^n$ such that $...
Boris's user avatar
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On intersection theory on toric varieties

Let $\Delta$ be a polytope and consider the projective toric variety $P_{\Delta}.$ Given a curve $C \subset \mathbb{P}_{\Delta},$ which is not toric, is it true that in the Chow group we have $$ C = \...
user535880's user avatar
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Intersection in toric variety

In a toric variety $T$ of dimension $11$ I have a subvariety $W$ of which I would like to compute the dimension. On $T$ there is a nef but not ample divisor $D$ whose space of sections has dimension $...
Robert B's user avatar
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Intersection numbers on blow ups of toric varieties

Suppose we have a smooth, complete toric varietiy $X_{\Sigma}$ of dimension $n$. Let $\sigma_k \in \Sigma(k)$ a smooth $k$-dimensional cone in $\Sigma$ and suppose we make the toric blow up at the ...
cata's user avatar
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Deformation space form the point of view of intersection theory

I'm interested in deformations of subvarieties of a toric variety $X$. Suppose we know a subvariety $V$ in the Chow group of $X$, for example, $V$ is a linear combination of powers of hypersurfaces. ...
Nikita Kalinin's user avatar
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Relation between the index of (the sum of) lattices in euclidean space, and their orthogonal complement.

I am trying to figure out something concerning the index of lattices. The question came about after reading the paper of W.Fulton and B.Sturmfels, ("Intersection theorey on toric varieties"). To ...
edwold's user avatar
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