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Representation finite Hopf algebras up to stable equivalence

It is well known that every representation-finite group algebra $KG$ is stable equivalent to a symmetric Nakayama algebra. Question: Is it true that every representation-finite Hopf algebra is stable ...
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A weaker version of strongly graded algebras

Let $A = \oplus_{i \in \mathbb{Z}} A_i$ be a graded algebra. We say that it is strongly graded if $A_i.A_j = A_{i+j}$, for all $i,j \in \mathbb{Z}$. Can there be existing a graded algebra such that $$...
2 votes
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When is $N^{*} \otimes_K M$ projective for a local Hopf algebra?

Given a finite dimensional local Hopf algebra $A$ over a field $K$ and two finite dimensional indecomposable modules $N$ and $M$. Is it known when the module $N^{*} \otimes_K M$ is projective? Can ...
5 votes
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divided power structure on Hocschild cohomology?

Does Hochschild cohomology of a cocommutative Hopf algebra over a field of positive characteristic have a natural divided power structure? If not, perhaps a certain natural extra structure on the ...
10 votes
1 answer

Is there a "correct" general setting for the principle: "tensoring any object with a projective object yields another projective"?

Apparently this principle was first formulated for left modules over the group algebra $A=kG$ of a finite group, where $k$ is a field of characteristic $p>0$ dividing $|G|$. (See Exercise 2 on p. ...