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Two mixed Hodge structures on equivariant cohomology for actions by finite groups

The answer to the following question might be obvious but I haven’t found a full proof yet (neither by myself nor in the literature). So my apologies if it is trivial. Let $X$ be a (for simplicity ...
Florian's user avatar
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The compatibility of the Gysin sequence with mixed Hodge structures

Let $X$ be a compact complex $n$-manifold and $D$ be a smooth comdimension $1$ submanifold. Also let $U:= X\setminus D$ and $j$ be the inclusion of $U$ in $X$. Then it is well known that the ...
Priyavrat Deshpande's user avatar
6 votes
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Mixed Hodge structure and cup product

I'm looking for a reference for the answer to the following questions. Let $X$ be an algebraic variety over C. When is the cup product a morphism of Mixed Hodge structures? Does $X$ have to be smooth?...
daunbailo''s user avatar