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3 answers

Hamiltonian paths in bipartite graphs with 2 sets of "almost" same cardinality

Suppose we have two finite disjoint sets $A, B \neq \emptyset$ such that $|A|$ and $|B|$ differ by at most $1$, and let $\Gamma = (A\cup B, E)$ where $E\subseteq \big\{\{a,b\}: a\in A, b\in B\big\}$ ...
Dominic van der Zypen's user avatar
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Hamiltonicity and minimal degree in bipartite graphs

Given an integer $k>1$, is there a connected bipartite graph $\Gamma = (A, B, E)$ where $A\cap B = \emptyset$ and $E \subseteq \big\{\{a, b\}:a\in A, b\in B\big\}$ such that $|A| = |B|$, $\text{...
Dominic van der Zypen's user avatar
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What is the densest bipartite graph with unique Hamiltonian cycle?

In a prior post regarding perfect matching, it was stated that the densest graph with a unique perfect matching cannot have more than $n^2$ edges, if graph has $2n$ vertices. Analogously, what is the ...
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Details about Kelman's equivalent form of Barnette's conjecture

Barnette's conjecture states that every cubic planar bipartite 3-connected graph admits Hamiltonian cycles. Kelman claims that this conjecture is equivalent to a stronger one, which imposes some ...
Arnaud Mortier's user avatar