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Hamiltonian cycle polytope for the hypercube graph

Let $Q_n$ denote the $n$ dimensional hypercube graph (i.e., graph formed from the vertices and edges of an n-dimensional hypercube). Denote the set of edges and vertices of $Q_n$ by $E_n$ and $V_n$ ...
Ozzy's user avatar
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Corporate salesman problem

A salesman is employed by a large corporation. He has a $n$ cities to visit, connected by roads, forming a graph. But as travel takes a lot of time, he has to pick hotels between visits. He cannot ...
kakaz's user avatar
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A generalized/set hamiltonian cycle problem on directed graphs

So this problem originally stems from the asymmetric generalized/set TSP problem, where I am interested in asking the question which or how many edges I can delete while maintaining feasability. The ...
whiterock's user avatar
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Reformulate Traveling Salesman Problem in areas traversed problem

I was wondering whether one has ever considered to reformulate TSP in terms of the areas traversed in either direction. Thus take three initial points of the solution they span a triangle with a ...
ahsalden's user avatar
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Adapting Held–Karp algorithm to visit groups of vertices

The Held–Karp algorithm has exponential time complexity $\Theta\left(2^n n^2\right)$, which is better than brute forcing the TSP which requires $\Theta(n !)$. I'm interesting in amending the Held–Karp ...
Tomi's user avatar
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Subtour-gluing constraints for ILP formulation of TSPs

If one doesn't want to introduce additional variables to the ILP of a TSP instance, one has to add exponentially many so-called subtour-elimination constraints; in practical calculations subtour-...
Manfred Weis's user avatar
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Degree-constraints for the existence of vertex-disjoint directed cycle covers in digraphs

Given a digraph $G(E,V): (u,v)\in E\implies(v,u)\notin E$, what is known about lower bounds on the indegree and outdegree of the vertices that guarantee the existence of a vertex-disjoint directed ...
Manfred Weis's user avatar
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Travelling salesman problem with variable weights

Take a fully connected graph with $v$ vertices. We assign weights to edges using an arbitrary function $f_{ij}(x)$ for pairs of vertices $0 < i, j \le v$, then starting at $c_{0}=0$, traverse the ...
George's user avatar
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A variant of travel salesman problem with charging points

Given a graph composed of a set $V$ of nodes, each representing a point to be visited by a salesman, and a set of fixed charging points. The salesman disposes a car that can travel $D$ distance before ...
lchen's user avatar
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