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15 votes
1 answer

Has the technique of "sprinkling" been used in studying random matrices?

In 1982, while studying the component sizes of random subgraphs of a hypercube, Ajtai, Komlós, and Szemerédi introduced a technique that came to be known as sprinkling. In this technique, the edges of ...
Louigi Addario-Berry's user avatar
8 votes
3 answers

Singularity of sparse random matrices

The following topic came up in conversation with my office-mate Lionel: Let $p$ be a fixed prime, $c$ a fixed positive real parameter and $n$ a large number. Consider a random $(0,1)$ matrix with ...
David E Speyer's user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

Why is the spectrum of Erdős–Renyi random graph approximately symmetric?

I am recently self-learning random matrix theory and made some simulations about the spectrum of Erdős–Renyi random graph $G(n,p)$ when $np\to\infty$, and $np\to c=2,3$. The plots above are already ...
MikeG's user avatar
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Why is number of single cell clusters always greatest in a random matrix?

Consider a large $N\times N$ square lattice, where each cell has a probability $p$ of being "occupied" (let's call denote them as "black") and a probability $1-p$ of being empty (let's denote them as "...
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Asymptotic results on statistical graph models

This post is partly inspired by this post. Reference request: results on the asymptotic distribution of singular values related to a random orthogonal matrix While it is well-known that two basic ...
Henry.L's user avatar
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Can this particular random matrix model be converted/related to any existing graph theory model?

Context: This a sequel to the question: Is the Erdős–Rényi giant component result applicable here? Consider a matrix whose elements are independently assigned a value $1$ with probability $p$ ...
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Generalization: (The "number" of) smaller sized clusters in large random binary matrices follow a descending order. Why?

This is a sequel to the question: Why is number of single cell clusters always greatest in a random matrix? In their answer, @Aaron Meyerowitz came up with a nice strategy to prove why the number of ...
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Why do larger random matrices maximize their number of clusters with lower densities?

Consider a matrix whose elements are independently assigned a value $1$ with probability $p$ and a value $0$ with probability $1-p$. Define a cluster of cells as a maximal connected component in the ...
alphauser's user avatar