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$G$ cocycle split to a coboundary in $J$, via a group extension

Consider a generic nontrivial $d$-cocycle $\omega_d^G \in H^d(G,U(1))$ in the cohomology group of a group $G$ with $U(1)=\mathbb{R}/\mathbb{Z}$ coefficient. In otherwords, here the $d$-cocycle $\...
wonderich's user avatar
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$SO(3)$ 2-cocycle trivialized to a 2-coboundary in $SU(2)$?

I was trying to understand this interesting question by example. Let me follow their previous discussion and ask: Let a generic nontrivial 2-cocycle $\omega_2^G(g_1,g_2) \in H^2(G,\mathbb{R}/\mathbb{...
miss-tery's user avatar
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Trivialize a cup-product 2-cocycle of $G$ in a larger group $J$

I like to ask a simple question: how to trivialize a cup-product 2-cocycle of $G$ into a 2-coboundary of $J$ in a larger group $J$. Let us take a nontrivial 2-cocycle $\omega_3^G(g_a, g_b) \in H^2(G,\...
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