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Determinacy coincidence at $\omega_1$: is CH needed?

This is a follow-up to the last part of an old MSE answer of mine. Briefly, an analogue at $\omega_1$ of Steel's equivalence between clopen and open determinacy can be proved assuming $\mathsf{CH}$, ...
Noah Schweber's user avatar
2 votes
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Banach–Mazur game and mappings

The Banach-Mazur game on a nonempty space $X$ is defined as follows: two players, $I$ and $II$, alternately choose nonempty open sets \begin{matrix} I & U_0 && U_1 && \cdots ...
Smolin Vlad's user avatar
10 votes
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Undetermined Banach-Mazur games: beyond DC

This question is a follow-up to this one; see that question for the definition of Banach-Mazur games. There James Hanson showed that ZF+DC proves that there is an undetermined Banach-Mazur game; ...
Noah Schweber's user avatar
22 votes
1 answer

Undetermined Banach-Mazur games in ZF?

This question was previously asked and bountied on MSE, with no response. This MO question is related, but is also unanswered and the comments do not appear to address this question. Given a ...
Noah Schweber's user avatar
6 votes
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Spaces where the Banach-Mazur game is undetermined

Let $X$ be a non-empty topological space. The Banach-Mazur game on $X$, $\textsf{BM}(X)$, is played as follows: Players I and II play an inning per positive integer. In the $n$-th inning Player I ...
Gabriel Medina's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Banach-Mazur game and infinite products

Studying the article "Games that involve set theory or topology" of Marion Scheepers, I found the following result Theorem 46 Let $\{(X_{i}, \tau_{i}) : i\in I \}$ be a family of topological spaces. ...
Gabriel Medina's user avatar