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8 votes
1 answer

What is known about these "explicitly represented" spaces?

Apologies if this is too low-level. A related question that I asked on the Math Stack Exchange got no answers after a year, so I thought it might be better to ask this one here. The standard approach ...
4 votes
1 answer

Is every compact, sober, second-countable space the image of $2^\omega$?

As a bonus, is every compact, $T_0$, second-countable space the image of $2^\omega \times \omega$? As a further bonus, can we strengthen "image" to "quotient"? My motivation for ...
1 vote
1 answer

Intersection of (relativized/preimage) measure 0 with every hyperarithmetic perfect set

Given a perfect tree $T$ on $2^{<\omega}$ viewed as a function from $2^{<\omega}$ to $2^{<\omega}$ define the measure of a subset of $[T]$ to be the measure of it's preimage under the usual ...
4 votes
1 answer

Borel ranks of Turing cones

For a non recursive $x \in 2^{\omega}$, define $C_x = \{y \in 2^{\omega}: x \leq_T y\}$. Note that $y \in C_x$ iff $(\exists e)(\forall n)(\Phi^y_e(n) = x(n))$ where $\Phi_e$ is the $e$th Turing ...
2 votes
2 answers

Finding 1-generic paths through a tree $T \subseteq 2^{<\omega}$

Consider Cantor space $2^\omega$ with the standard topology generated by open sets $[\sigma] = \{ \sigma^\frown x: x \in 2^\omega \}$. If $A \subseteq 2^{<\omega}$ and $x \in 2^\omega$, we say $A$ ...
2 votes
1 answer

Detecting comprehension topologically

This question basically follows this earlier question of mine but shifting from standard systems of nonstandard models of $PA$ to $\omega$-models of $RCA_0$. For $X$ a Turing ideal we get the map $c_X$...