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A question about one Malliavin derivative calculation

Recently, I've asked here a question. While trying to find an answer on my own, I found an idea which I now will briefly describe below. I am not familiar enough with the Malliavin calculus, so my ...
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Fractional Brownian motion covariance with a twist

Let $H \in (0, 1)$, $D \in \mathbb{R}$ and assume that the following function $$ r ( t, s ) = \frac{1}{2} \, \Big[ t^{2H} + s^{2H} - | t - s |^{2H} \Big] + D \, t^H s^H, \quad t, \, s \geq 0 $$ is ...
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Ito formula for fractional BM + drift and supremum bound

Let $W^H$ be a fBm with Hurst parameter $H$ and let $\mathcal{H}$ be its Cameron-Martin space. Then by Girsanov theorem we know that if $\mathbb{P}$ is an fBm measure, it holds that there exists a ...
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1 answer

Gaussian sum VS Brownian motion

Given independent Gaussian $d$ dimensional vectors $G_i$, Let $ \sigma^2_n=\mathbb{E}(\sum_{i \le n} G_i) \cdot (\sum_{i \le n} G_i)^T$. $||\sigma_n^2||$ is norm of $\sigma_n^2$. Is there a $d$-...