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Definition of Floer complex in Floer's "Morse theory for Lagrangian intersections"

I am moving the first steps into Lagrangian Floer theory and I am trying to understand the construction, as in the original paper, for the field $\mathbb{Z}_2$ (no orientations) and $\pi_2(P,L) = 0$. ...
EmarJ's user avatar
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Compactness of Moduli spaces in Lagrangian Floer Cohomology

I have been reading Denis Aurox lecture notes on Fukaya Categories , and in page $9$ he starts to discuss the compactness properties of the moduli spaces and how we ...
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Continuation map interpolating two quadratic Hamiltonians with respect to different contact boundaries

Let $(M,\lambda)$ be a Liouville manifold. Consider two different contact boundaries $\partial_{\infty}^1M$ and $\partial_{\infty}^2M$ with respect to the same Liouville flow $Z$. Each of them ...
ChiHong Chow's user avatar
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Augmentations of wrapped Floer cochains

Let $M$ be a closed, simply-connected spin manifold and let $F_b \subset T^*M$ be the cotangent fiber over a point $b \in M$. Let $CW^*(L,L)$ be the $A_{\infty}$-algebra of wrapped Floer cochains over ...
user142700's user avatar
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Is the Fukaya category "defined"?

Sometimes people say that the Fukaya category is "not yet defined" in general. What is meant by such a statement? (If it simplifies things, let's just stick with Fukaya categories of compact ...
Kevin H. Lin's user avatar
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How to understand geometrically, the count of pseudoholomorphic discs by (multi)section perturbation of the kuranish structure on the moduli space?

When defining the $A_\infty$ algebra of a Lagrangian (as done in the book by FOOO) it is done by "counting" (integrating over the moduli space or over the fiber of evaluation map) pseudoholomorphic ...
Yaniv Ganor's user avatar
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Fully faithful embedding of the exact Fukaya category

Let $\mathscr{F}(X)$ be the exact Fukaya category of an exact symplectic manifold $(X^{2n},\omega)$, i.e. the objects in $\mathscr{F}(X)$ are all closed exact Lagrangian submanifolds with Maslov index ...
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