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Moore graphs and finite projective geometry

In a comment on a blog post from 2009 about the hypothetical Moore graph(s) of degree 57 and girth 5, Gordon Royle offered the following observation (reproduced here in full for the sake of ...
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Does every $C_4$-free bipartite graph lies in some finite projective plane?

A projective plane $Π$ is a 3-tuple $(P,L,I)$ where $P$ and $L$ are sets, and $I$ is a relation between $P$ and $L$, such that: For every two elements $p_1$, $p_2\in P$, there exists a unique ...
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Are bipartite Moore graphs Hamiltonian?

This is motivated by a computer-generated conjecture that bipartite distance-regular graphs are hamiltonian. I decided to check the case of Moore graphs first. The cycles and complete bipartite graphs ...
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Sets of spreads in graphs

Let $G$ be a graph. A $k$-spread is a set of cliques of order $k$ which partition the vertex set (so $k|n$, where $n$ is the number of vertices). A partial $k$-resolution of $G$ is a set of pairwise ...
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