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Lattice paths in polytopes

Let $P$ be a polytope in $\mathbb{R}^n$. Let $A_ix = b_i$ be the defining equations of its codimension $1$ faces. Is there an algorithm or some kind of criterion to decide if the lattice points inside ...
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Gap in Successive minima on lattice spanned by rational and integer combination of integer vectors

We are given a rank $r$ matrix $B\in\Bbb Z^{k\times n}$ where $0\leq r\leq k\leq n$ holds. We have $$\mathcal L_\Bbb Z=\{uB\in\Bbb Z^n:u\in\Bbb Z^k\}\subseteq\mathcal L_\Bbb Q=\{uB\in\Bbb Z^n:u\in\...
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