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Geometric fixed points of induction spectrum

I was reading the paper "The Balmer spectrum of rational equivariant cohomology theories" of J.P.C. Greenlees and I found the following interesting fact, expressed in Lemma 4.2 and Remark 4....
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Endomorphism in the rational stable $O(2)$-equivariant category of the universal space of the family of finite dihedral subgroups

Let $G$ be a compact Lie group. We can define $\mathfrak{F}G$ to be the collection of conjugacy classes of closed subgroups of $G$ whose Weyl group is finite, a bi-invariant metric on $G$ induces a ...
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Do Mackey (co)homology functors factor through derived categories? References with details?

Let $G$ be a compact Lie group; I will write $SH_G$ for the (equivariant) stable homotopy category of $G$-spectra (say, with respect to a complete universe; does its choice affect the homotopy ...
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