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$\pm 1$-equivariant perverse sheaves on the affine line

Let $G=\mathbb{Z}/\mathbb{2Z}$ act by the map $z\mapsto -z$ on a complex line $\mathbb{C}$. The category $\mathcal{Perv}(\mathbb{C})$ of perverse sheaves smooth along the stratification by the origin ...
Sergey Guminov's user avatar
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some intuition about the degree of a map

Consider a map $$ f: \Sigma \to X/\sigma,$$ where $\Sigma=\Sigma_g/\Omega$ is a quotient of a Riemann surface by an antiholomorphic involution, $\sigma:X\to X$ is an antiholomorphic involution of some ...
jj_p's user avatar
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Monodromy along strata of a pushforward

Work with complex varieties and constructible sheaves on the complex analytic site. All functors will be tacitly derived. Let $X$ be a variety acted upon by a connected linear algebraic group. Let $X ...
Reladenine Vakalwe's user avatar