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Equivariant $K$-theory and proper actions of discrete groups

The work of Lück and Oliver describes the generalization of equivariant $K$-theory to infinite discrete groups. When $X$ is a finite proper $G$-CW complex, there exist Bott isomorphisms $K^n_G(X)\cong ...
user519810's user avatar
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Equivalent descriptions of equivariant K-theory

I am looking at references for computing $$K_{T}(G/H)$$ where $G$ is a compact connected Lie group with maximal torus $T$, and $H\subset G$ is a corank one Lie subgroup such that $G/H\cong S^{2k-1}$ ...
Yun Liu's user avatar
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Deequivariantisation of indecomposable sheaves

Let G be a connected group acting on a space X. All spaces should be reasonable, so e.g. G is a complex affine algebraic group acting on an algebraic variety X, with everything done using the usual ...
Peter McNamara's user avatar
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What is the pointed Borel construction of the $0$-sphere?

From what I understand, the Borel construction takes a $G$-space $X$ and produces a topological space $X\times_{G}\mathbf{E}G$―the homotopy quotient $X/\!\!/G$ of $X$ by $G$ in the $\infty$-category ...
Emily's user avatar
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What is equivariant chains on a representation sphere?

For a finite group $G$ and a finite-dimensional real representation $V$ of $G$, denote by $S^V$ the one-point compactification of $V$, with basepoint at infinity. What is the reduced chain complex $...
John Pardon's user avatar
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18 votes
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Reference request: Equivariant Topology

I am teaching a graduate seminar in equivariant topology. The format of the course is that I will give 2-3 weeks of background lectures, then each week a student will present a topic. The students ...
8 votes
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Interactions (functors) between equivariant sheaves for different groups?

Let $G$ be a finite group and $k$ a field (alg. closed char 0 for simplicity). To every $G$ set $X$ we can assign the category of $G$-equivariant sheaves of $k$-vector spaces $Sh_G(X)$. It is ...
Saal Hardali's user avatar
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Moment map of equivariant line bundles

I'm reading Szabo's `Equivariant Cohomology and Localization of Path Integrals'. I've stumbled upon an equation I can't make sense of, in the discussion about $G$-equivariant line bundles on ...
Meer Ashwinkumar's user avatar
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Equivariant Formula for High Dimensional Isolated set

The Atiyah-Bott-Berline-Vergne-Witten localization formula says $S^1$ acting on compact manifold $M$ isolated fixing points. And for a closed equivariant form $\omega$, then $$(2\pi)^{-\frac{\dim(M)}...
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