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3 answers

How do modular forms of half-integral weight relate to the (quasi-modular) Eisenstein series?

The Eisenstein series $$ G_{2k} = \sum_{(m,n) \neq (0,0)} \frac{1}{(m + n\tau)^{2k}} $$ are modular forms (if $k>1$) of weight $2k$ and quasi-modular if $k=1$. It is clear that given modular forms $...
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Relation between Theta series and Eisensteinseries

In "Mackey - Unitary Group Representation in Physics, Probability and Number Theory" on page 326, George Mackey mentions a result of Ludwig Siegel, which was later generalized to semi-simple Lie ...
Marc Palm's user avatar
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Decomposing functions on the fundamental domain of the torus into cusp forms, eisenstein series

I am trying to do some elementary calculations to understand the properties of the following spectral resolution on $H/SL(2,\mathbf{Z})$. (Half plane mod modular group; fundamental domain of the torus)...
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