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Uniqueness of stationary measures for $(G,\mu)$ boundaries

Let $G$ be a countable group acting minimally by homeomorphisms on a compact Hausdorff space $X$ and $\mu$ be a probability measure on $G$ whose support generates $G$ as a semigroup. Let $\nu$ is a $\...
Ilya Gekhtman's user avatar
11 votes
1 answer

Growing a chain of unit-area triangles: Fills the plane?

Define a process to start with a unit-area equilateral triangle, and at each step glue on another unit-area triangle.                     $50$ ...
Joseph O'Rourke's user avatar
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Absolute continuity of harmonic measure for a random walk and its reflection

Let $G$ be a hyperbolic group, and $\mu$ a (nonsymmetric) probability measure on $G$ whose support generates $G$ as a semigroup. Let $\nu$ be the associated harmonic ($\mu$ stationary) on $\partial G$....
Yellow Pig's user avatar
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When is the minimal Martin boundary closed?

Let $\Gamma$ be a finitely generated group and $\mu$ a symmetric measure of finite support on $\Gamma$. Let $\partial_{M}\Gamma$ be the Martin boundary of $(\Gamma,\mu)$ and let $\partial^{min}_{M}\...
Yellow Pig's user avatar
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Question about martin boundaries of random walks induced on transient subgroups

Suppose $\Gamma$ is a discrete, finitely generated, non-amenable group, and consider a random walk given by a measure $\mu$. Assume the measure is symmetric, finitely generated, and the support of $\...
Yellow Pig's user avatar
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15 votes
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In how many steps a random walk visits all the elements of a finite group, with a probability 1/2?

This question is a variation of the return to the origin problem. Let $G$ be the finite group $\mathbb{Z}/n \times \mathbb{Z}/n$ and let the random transformation $T: G \to G$ such that $T(a,b) = (...
Sebastien Palcoux's user avatar