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Reference: Stochastic Analysis on Hilbert Manifolds

I'm looking for a reference to a book which develops an It\^{o} lemma for semi-martingales with values in infinite dimensional Hilbert-Manifolds. I expect the techniques to be the same but still I ...
ABIM's user avatar
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Riemannian metric induced by a stochastic differential equation

Following this paper, a diffusion process in $\mathcal{R}^d$ $$dX_t = f(X_t) \, dt + \sigma(X_t) \, dW_t ,$$ with $\sigma(x) \in \mathbb{R}^{d \times m}$ and $m$ dimensional Brownian motion can be ...
can't stop me now's user avatar
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An application of Itô's formula to an SDE on a Lie group

I'm trying to understand a calculation in this paper (equation (3.8)). With some details removed, the setup is as follows. Let $G$ be a Lie group, and $g(t)$ a curve in $G$ satisfying the SDE $$dg(t)...
eipiplusone's user avatar
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Elworthy’s 1982 “Stochastic Differential Equations on Manifolds” - relevant?

In 1982, D. Elworthy published “Stochastic Differential Equations on Manifolds”. Apparently, this was quite a seminal book in the field of stochastic DE’s/processes on manifolds. Is this reference ...
Martin Geller's user avatar
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Comparing diffusion processes in different metrics

I would like to know if it is possible to compare two diffusion processes defined on the same manifold $\mathcal{M}$ but with respect to different metrics say $g_1$ and $g_2$. Is there a way to apply ...
can't stop me now's user avatar
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Ito lemma for SDEs on a Lie group

I'm trying to generalize the theorem described in this paper to the case of a semisimple compact matrix Lie group. In doing so i'm trying to define a formula ...
Marco's user avatar
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Is there a distinct Ito-Sasaki version of Riemannian stochastic development?

Given a smooth manifold $M$ with a linear torsion-free connection on its tangent bundle, the Eells-Elworthy-Malliavin stochastic development provides a way of transforming a semimartingale $X$ defined ...
Emilio Ferrucci's user avatar
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Ito lemma for manifold semimartingales

I'm looking for a generalization of the usual Ito lemma to manifolds $M$, preferably not under the assumption that $M$ is embedded in $\mathbb{R}^d$. Unfortunately any reference I've found either ...
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