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2 votes
0 answers

Is a triangulated category admitting a tilting object algebraic or even equivalent to the derived category of some ring?

Let $\mathcal{T}$ be a triangulated category having all infinite coproducts(such triangulated category is sometimes said to be cocomplete or satisfying the TR5 axiom). We call an object $G$ tilting if ...
2 votes
0 answers

Tilting complexes arising from homotopy equivalences

Let $k$ be a field and let $A$ and $B$ be finite-dimensional selfinjective $k$-algebras. Suppose we have an isomorphism of homotopy categories $F: K^b(A-mod) \cong K^b(B-mod)$ that descends to a ...
2 votes
0 answers

A question about t-structures in derived category

Let R be a ring and $_{R}P$ be a projective module, my question is whether $P^{\perp_{>0}}:=\{X\in D(R)|Hom(P,X[i])=0, i>0\}$ is an aisle i.e. if $(P^{\perp_{>0}}, (P^{\perp_{>0}})^{\perp}...
12 votes
1 answer

got any tricks to build up t-structures on derived categories?

Are there any good tricks to construct a heart of a t-structure? (I'm thinking on the derived category of coherent sheaves of some variety) I'll start with the only one I know. If $(T,F)$ is a ...
10 votes
1 answer

What's the relationship between spherical twist functors and tilting?

I've been reading about connections between Coxeter groups and preprojective algebras, and I keep running into two operations on the derived categories of preprojective algebras which seem very ...
4 votes
1 answer

Graded quivers vs "ordinary" quivers and derived categories

I have heard the "slogan" that graded quivers are (derived) equivalent to ordinary quivers (with this "result" being attributed to Keller) and am looking for a precise statement and a reference. By a ...
6 votes
1 answer

An equivalence of derived categories by Happel-Reiten-Smalø

I have a problem in understanding the proof of a theorem by Happel-Reiten-Smalø. The original reference is this article . I write down the text of the theorem and a ...
4 votes
0 answers

2-periodic derived equivalence

Let $A$ and $B$ be finite-dimensional algebras with finite global dimension over some field (in fact I am thinking of rational incidence algebras of finite posets). Suppose we know that $A$ and $B$ ...
3 votes
1 answer

A canonical algebra of type $(2,2,r)$ is derived equivalent to a path algebra of type $\tilde{D}_{r+2}$ (references)

According to several articles I could find, a canonical algebra of type $(2,2,r)$ is derived equivalent to a path algebra of type $\tilde{D}_{r+2}$, where $r \geq 2$. I don't know how to obtain this ...
3 votes
1 answer

Inverse of a tilting module

Let $k$ be a field, $A$ an associative unital $k$-algebra, $\operatorname{\mathsf{Mod}} A$ the category of left $A$-modules and $D^b(\operatorname{\mathsf{Mod}} A)$ the bounded derived category. Let $...
5 votes
2 answers

Examples of tilting objects that don't come from exceptional sequences

This is a question on geometric tilting theory. On smooth projective variety it is possible to define in general tilting object as perfect complex that satisfy some properties, but are there examples ...
1 vote
1 answer

Compact generator of $D(\mathbb{P}^1)$

I suppose that Beilinson's compact generator (and, in fact, tilting object) $\mathcal{O} \oplus \mathcal{O}(1)$ in $D(\mathbb{P}^1)$ is the most well known example. I have the following simple ...
7 votes
0 answers

Not isomorphic varieties with isomorphic tilting algebras

Let $X$ be a smooth projective variety over a field, than tilting object $T$ on $X$ is a perfect complex that is a compact generator of the derived category $\operatorname{D}(QCoh(X))$ and satisfies ...