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Growth polynomial of the Associahedron graph ? (Is it approximately Gaussian ?)

Consider Associahedron, consider graph build from its vertices and edges. Choose some vertex. Let us count the number of vertices on distances $k$ from the selected vertex. Write a generating ...
5 votes
2 answers

regular polyhedra (and polytopes) in hyperbolic geometry, and generalisations

While there exist regular tesselations of the hyperbolic plane with arbitrary regular polygons, there are no new regular polyhedra in hyperbolic (3D) space. This being quite trivial, it is probably ...
1 vote
2 answers

Does Euler's formula imply bounds on the degree of vertices in a 3-polytopal graph?

A corollary of Euler's formula tells us that the edge-vertex graph of every convex 3-polyhedron must have a face with either 3, 4, or 5 edges, using an argument about the average degree of vertices. ...