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2 answers

Combinatorial optimization problem involving infinite spin system

In material science research, I am developing an algorithm to solve an infinite combinatorial optimization problem which I believe is the most natural problem when the system size goes to infinity. ...
user40780's user avatar
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Generalized assignment problem with no integrality gap

Suppose I am solving the generalized assignment problem, so that I am given matrices $U$ and $W$ and a vector $c$ (all three of which have, say, positive entries), and I want to solve $$\text{...
Kevin Jenkins's user avatar
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Complexity of Nested Linear Optimization

My question is motivated by the fact, that among other ways, it is possible to restrict a variable to two discrete values, e.g. the prototypical $0$ and $1$, via an optimization constraint: $$\max(\...
Manfred Weis's user avatar
  • 13.2k
4 votes
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Simplified knapsack problem

There is a problem that I can not solve. Given a set of items (each item has some integer weight) we have to fill bag with some number of copies of these items, with the only restriction that the ...
Leo-guest's user avatar