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Are countable FC-groups maximally almost periodic?

An FC-group is a group in which every element has a finite conjugacy class. A group G is said to be maximally almost periodic if there is an injective homomorphism from G into a compact Hausdorff ...
Robin Tucker-Drob's user avatar
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A product on the square roots of unit matrix

There is a strange product that takes two square roots of unit matrix, say $A$ and $B$, $A^2=I$, $B^2=I$ to a square root again, $$ A\star B=(A+B)^{-1}(A-B+2I), \qquad (A\star B)^2=I$$ Could anybody ...
John's user avatar
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Positive function with zero Haar integral

If $C$ is a compact (semi-)topological (semi-)group, are there nonzero positive functions having zero Haar integral? In other words: is the Hermitian product associated to the Haar integral degenerate?...
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