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Cliques in overlap graphs for words

Let $\Sigma$ be a finite alphabet, and consider the free monoid $\Sigma^*$. Given $w, w' \in \Sigma^*$ we say that $w$ overlaps $w'$ if there exist non-empty words $u, v, u'$ such that $w = uv$ and $w'...
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Cayley Graphs and Cyclically reduced words [closed]

Let $G$ be a finite group and $S$ be a symmetric generating set for $G$. (EDIT: Assume $S$ does not contain involutions!) Cyclically reduced words can be thought of as minimal length representatives ...
BharatRam's user avatar
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Generalised de Bruijn Graph

I have encountered sets of the following type, consisting of words over a finite aphabet $A$. If $S$ is such a set, then $S$ is finite, No word in $S$ is part of another element of $S$, and every ...
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