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35 votes
2 answers

Who wins two player sudoku?

Let's say players take turns placing numbers 1-9 on a sudoku board. They must not create an invalid position (meaning that you can not have the same number in within a row, column, or box region). The ...
Christopher King's user avatar
16 votes
1 answer

In theory, how would Oneiric numbers be defined?

Background I am not a professional mathematician. I am researching Surreal numbers & games for fun (I think they are truly beautiful). If this question is not appropriate here, I beg forgiveness &...
user784623's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

What does it mean for the surreal numbers/partizan games to be "universally embedding"?

In "On numbers and games", Conway writes that the surreal Numbers form a universally embedding totally ordered Field. Later Jacob Lurie proved that (the equivalence classes of) the partizan ...
FreakyByte's user avatar