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Sum of square of parts, and sum of binomials over integer partition

Let $n$ be positive integer. Consider its integer partitions denoting as $(m_1,\cdots,m_k)$, where $m_1+\cdots+m_k=n$ and the order does not matter. We ignore the case of $(m_1,\cdots,m_k)=n$. I am ...
tony's user avatar
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Unique domino tiling

Question: how does one enumerate all star-convex $2n$-vertex sublattices of the plane that have the unique domino-tiling property? Definitions: A subset $S$ of the $xy$-plane is star-convex if there ...
John Murray's user avatar
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Number of 3-tuple partitions of a multiple of three which follow the triangle inequality

Given n=3t, t$\in \mathbb N$; let $\mathbb L_3$ be set of all distinct integer partitions of n having 3 parts; say $\lambda_1,\lambda_2,\lambda_3$ . If I chose any one partition randomly from $\...
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