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Road map for learning cluster algebras

I'm a PhD student and I would like learn about cluster algebras. I'm wondering what is a good reference (i.e., has detailed explanations, examples, etc) to learn from the basic and what are some of ...
It'sMe's user avatar
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A technical question about a paper by Gross-Hacking-Keel

I have a technical question on the commutativity of diagrams (2.11) and (2.12) in the paper "Birational geometry of cluster algebras" by Gross-Hacking-Keel: For the leftmost square in (2.11),...
mikeS's user avatar
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Motivic DT-Invariants for the Algebro-Geophobic

I am looking for as gentle of possible of an introduction to Kontsevich-Soibelman's theory of motivic DT-invariants. Specifically I am interested in the algebraic aspects of the theory and the ...
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What algebraic varieties arise as intersections of finitely many cluster charts?

A cluster variety $V$ admits, by definition, many charts of the form $(\mathbb{C}^*)^n \hookrightarrow V$. These charts do not always cover the variety of interest, but when they do, one could e.g. ...
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Berenstein-Fomin-Zelevinsky's Ininital seeds and initial seeds from Postnikov diagrams

In Cluster algebra III by Berenstein-Fomin-Zelevinsky, Theorem 2.10, for any pair of reduced words $(u,v)$, they constructed an initial seed for the cluster algebra $\mathbb{C}[B^{u,v}]$, where $B^{u,...
Jianrong Li's user avatar
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Questions about cluster $\mathcal{X}$-varieties and amalgamation

I am trying to learn the amalgamation of two cluster seeds and I am reading the paper written by V.V. Fock and A. B. Goncharov. I am at a loss for the Lemma 2....
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