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Skew symmetry for the Hilbert symbol

Let $K$ be a local field containing the group $\mu_n$ of $n$th roots of 1 and the $\theta_K:K^*\to G_K^{ab}$ be the reciprocity map. The we know that the Hilbert symbol $$K^*\times K^*\to \mu_n$$ $$(a,...
user56577's user avatar
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Formal non-CM in local fields

An elliptic curve $E$ with complex multiplication by an imaginary quadratic field $F$ has $\ell$-adic Galois representations that essentially encode the class field theory of $F$ - in other words, the ...
David Corwin's user avatar
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Lubin-Tate vs cohomological approach to local CFT

Local class field theory ("local CFT") can be developed in various ways, among them is a cohomological approach and an explicit approach due to Lubin and Tate (both can be found in Milne's CFT notes ...
Ojen's user avatar
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Extending methods from Lubin-Tate theory

The first lemma in Lubin-Tate theory says the following: Let $K$ be a local field, $A$ its ring of integers, and $f\in A[[T]]$ be such that $f(0) = 0$, $f'(0)$ is a uniformizer, and $f$ ...
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