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Do there exist elliptic curves over $H_K$ having everywhere good reduction and CM by $\mathcal{O}_K$?

For $K$ a number field, denote by $\mathcal{O}_K$ its ring of integers and by $H_K$ its Hilbert class field. For which imaginary quadratic field $K$ does there exist an elliptic curve $E$, defined ...
Stabilo's user avatar
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What are the possible bad reductions for an abelian variety of dimension $g$ and a maximal endomorphism ring?

Perhaps the most basic fact about abelian varieties with CM is they have an everywhere potential good reduction (Serre-Tate). On the face of it it might appear that there isn't much more to be added ...
Vesselin Dimitrov's user avatar
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Real field of definition of an abelian variety of CM-type?

Question 0. Can a field of definitions (without automorphisms) of an (almost arbitrary) abelian variety of CM-type, originally defined over ${\mathbb{C}}$, be chosen to be a totally real number ...
Mikhail Borovoi's user avatar
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Does complex multiplication for higher dimensional abelian varieties give some generalization of class field theory?

I am currently learning some aspects of the theory of complex multiplication for elliptic curves, and the relationship with class field theory. As I understand it, there is a very special class of ...
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