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Absolute oscillator in Langton's Ant

We have a simple (or single) block of Langton's Ants colony which includes two ants looking in the same direction. Their positions can be interpreted as knight's walk. The distances between each next ...
user514787's user avatar
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Oscillator in Langton's ant

First of all, see Langton's ant Wikipedia page. If we place a pair of ants looking north (using Golly or any another prog) on the coordinates $(x_1,y_1)$ and $(x_2,y_2)$ under the conditions: $p=|x_1-...
Notamathematician's user avatar
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Minimal period for a bounded Langton's ant moving on a tessellation

We consider Langton's ant on the 2D plane, but we replace the square lattice by a Voronoi tessellation obtained from a finite set of points (it could be another tessellation, however directions such ...
ahstat's user avatar
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