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Cartesian monoidal star-autonomous categories

Disclaimer: This is a crosspost (see MathStackexchange). Apologies if cross-posting is frowned upon. However, it seems that on Stackexchange there are not many people familiar with star-autonomous ...
Max Demirdilek's user avatar
7 votes
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Strictifying closed monoidal categories?

Let $C$ be a cartesian closed category. It's well known that $C$ is equivalent to a category where the product is strict monoidal; i.e. where there are equalities of the functors given by the ...
ClosedCoherence's user avatar
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Does Cantor Bernstein hold in a Closed Symmetric Monoidal Category?

In a closed symmetric monoidal category with $[I,X] \cong X$ for all $X$ is it true that having monomorphisms $m :A \rightarrow B$ and $m: B \rightarrow A$ is enough to imply $A \cong B$ ? I tried to ...
Cat_W's user avatar
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Is there a construction capturing indexed families of adjunctions?

I'm sorry in advance if this question does not belong on this site. I am curious as to what is "really" going on when you have a family of functors indexed by elements in a base category, all of which ...
Mathemologist's user avatar
17 votes
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What is the monoidal equivalent of a locally cartesian closed category?

If a closed monoidal category is the monoidal equivalent of a Cartesian closed category, is there an analogous equivalent for locally cartesian closed categories? Is there a standard terminology or ...
pnips's user avatar
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Example of a non-closed cocomplete symmetric monoidal category

Background By a cocomplete symmetric monoidal category $C$ I mean a symmetric monoidal category whose underlying category is cocomplete and such that $- \otimes X : C \to C$ is cocontinuous for all $X ...
Martin Brandenburg's user avatar
2 votes
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Seems like Reader monad composed with a strong monad produces a monad, am I right?

Take a Cartesian (or monoidal) closed category; define Reader monad for a given object $E$ as $X \mapsto X^E$; and take a strong monad $M$ (strong means preserves product or tensor product). Now the ...
Vlad Patryshev's user avatar