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2 votes
0 answers

Shintani's unpublished paper on automorphic forms

I'm trying to find Shintani's preprint: Shintani T., On automorphic forms on unitary groups of order 3, unpublished, 1979. It seems to be impossible to find, even though several authors quote it. I ...
5 votes
1 answer

modularity lifting theorems for non-compact unitary groups

I am reading David Geraghty's paper, 'Modularity lifting theorems for ordinary Galois representations'( and I have a related question, which,...
44 votes
4 answers

Are there motives which do not, or should not, show up in the cohomology of any Shimura variety?

Let $F$ be a real quadratic field and let $E/F$ be an elliptic curve with conductor 1 (i.e. with good reduction everywhere; these things can and do exist) (perhaps also I should assume E has no CM, ...
4 votes
0 answers

Higher dimensional generalization of an identity between traces of Hecke operators and number of elliptic curves over finite fields?

In, the author uses his generalization of Lefschetz trace formula to smooth algebraic stacks to prove an interesting identity (Proposition 6.4.11.): $\sum_{k}...
11 votes
1 answer

A frustrating cohomology class on the moduli of abelian surfaces

Here's a very frustrating question that I have been stuck on for some time. I believe that my question could fit in a general framework of what happens when you restrict $L^2$-cohomology classes on a ...
6 votes
0 answers

drinfeld shtukas over higher dimensional spaces

Everytime I encounter Drinfeld Shtukas, the definition begins with vector bundles over a curve $X$ over a finite field. My question is: why the restriction to curves? Is there any interest or results ...
5 votes
0 answers

Uniqueness of cohomological holomorphic discrete series representation

In Claus Sorenson's PhD thesis, he proves a theorem about level lifting of paramodular forms whose associated automorphic representation has component $\pi_{\infty}$ that is the "cohomological ...
6 votes
0 answers

Is there an integral pairing between quaternionic Hecke algebras and cusp forms?

Let $F$ be a totally real number field with integers $\mathcal{O}_F$ and $B$ a quaternion algebra over $F$ split at exactly one infinity place.Fix $n\geq 1$ and like in the special case $F=\mathbb{Q}, ...
13 votes
1 answer

Which Shimura varieties are known to be automorphic?

This seems like something that should be well-known, but as an outsider to the field, I'm having trouble locating precise statements. Hasse-Weil zeta functions of Shimura varieties should be ...
16 votes
3 answers

Constructing coherent sheaves on Shimura varieties.

Let me first run through the setting of my question in an example I understand well; that of modular curves. If $Y_1(N)$ denotes the usual modular curve over the complexes, the quotient of the upper ...
9 votes
2 answers

modularity of algebraic varieties

Hello, Are there any examples of varieties which are not Shimura varieties or abelian varieties and whose L-functions have been shown to be a product of automorphic L-functions? Thanks. N