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Total spaces of tangent/cotangent bundles in a course where all varieties are quasi-projective

$\def\PP{\mathbb{P}}$In a course where all varieties are quasi-projective (as in Shafarevich Volume I), I am trying to figure out whether I can justify talking about the total spaces of the tangent ...
David E Speyer's user avatar
8 votes
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Lower semicontinuity of naive fiber size

I would like to present the following result in my algebraic geometry class, but it is seeming much harder than I would expect. Since my class is working with closed points over an algebraically ...
David E Speyer's user avatar
5 votes
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A course on modern algebraic geometry from "The Stacks Project"

I hope this question is viable for this site. I'm sincerely sorry, if you think it isn't. For a lot of time, "EGA" by Alexander Grothendieck and Jean Dieudonne was "the" reference on the basics of ...
TavukKaghul's user avatar