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On a series of lectures of Deligne on crystalline cohomology in characteristic $0$

In the introduction of Berthelot's book on crystalline cohomology [Ber74], one finds, on page 11, the following passage: i) des travaux de P. Deligne ([14], non publiés) prouvant en particulier le ...
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B. W. Jordan's thesis on arithmetic of Shimura curves

I'm looking for Bruce W. Jordan's thesis: On the diophantine arithmetic of Shimura curves. Thesis, Harvard University, 1981. I could not find the pdf at the following site. https://www.math.harvard....
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Looking for an electronic copy of Huber's Bewertungsspektrum und rigide Geometrie

Lately I've been trying (and have failed) to find an electronic copy of Huber's Bewertungsspektrum und rigide Geometrie, which (from what I understand) is the original reference developing the basics ...
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