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Questions tagged [abelian-groups]

For questions about groups whose elements commute.

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abelian p-group not divisible [closed]

why if G is an abelian p-group not divisible then exists an element g in G which is not divisible by p? thanks
stacy's user avatar
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Every abelian group can be embedded into a ring [closed]

Let $(G,0,+)$ be an abelian group. Does there always exist a ring with unity $(R,0,1,+,\cdot)$ and an injective homomorphism of groups $ \psi:(G,0,+)\rightarrow (R,0,+)$? Is this hard to prove, or are ...
Ândson josé's user avatar
-2 votes
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Are isomorphic quotients of abelian groups induced by automorphisms? [closed]

If I have an (abelian) group $G$ and an automorphism $\sigma: G \to G$ then for any subgroup $H$ of $G$ there is an induced isomorphism $G/H \cong G/\sigma(H)$ given by the map $gH \mapsto \sigma(g)\...
Jack's user avatar
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