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When does a short exact sequence of abelian groups with $B\cong A\oplus C$ split?

$\hspace{20pt}$Duplicate on stackexchange. This question, in a way, extends this one. The question is what are some sufficient conditions on the abelian group $B$ so that if $B\cong A\oplus C$ and a ...
cnikbesku's user avatar
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$A^2$ is isomorphic to $A^{(\omega)}$, but not $A$

Is there an abelian group $A$ with $A\not\cong A\oplus A\cong A\oplus A\oplus A\oplus\cdots$ (a direct sum of countably many copies of $A$)? Edited to add: As no answers are forthcoming, does anyone ...
Pace Nielsen's user avatar
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Abelian groups such that $A \cong \mathrm{End}(A)$ and "complete rings"

Motivation: for any ring $R$ there is the natural monomorphism $\mathrm{in} \colon R \to \mathrm{End}(R_{add}): r \mapsto (x \mapsto rx)$, where $R_{add}$ is an additive abelian group ( rings are ...
Arshak Aivazian's user avatar
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Additive group of local rings

Is there a theory or characterization for those finite $p$-groups that can be considered as the additive group of a finite local commutative ring with identity?
Lisa_K's user avatar
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Generalized height of elements in abelian groups

In the book Infinite abelian groups Vol. I by L. Fuchs, on page 154, the notion of the generalized $p$-height of an element in an abelian group is defined, as follows: Let $A$ be an abelian group ...
Ilan Barnea's user avatar
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The center of a(n endomorphism) ring is a PID

Let $A$ be a torsion-free Abelian group, and let $\mbox{End}(A)$ be its endomorphism ring. Denote by $R\doteq\mathbf{Z}(\mbox{End}(A))$ the center of $\mbox{End}(A)$. What would be necessary and/or ...
Bedovlat's user avatar
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