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Questions tagged [a-infinity-algebras]

For questions about $A_\infty$-algebras as introduced by Stasheff in 1963 and related structures.

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Cohomology of a graded differential algebra with L-infinity action by a Lie algebra relative to a sub algebra

Suppose $A$ is a graded differential algebra, $h\subset g$ is an ideal, and that there is an $L_\infty$ action by $g/h$ on $A$. Is there any theorem that gives a quasi-isomorphism between the Lie-...
user36075's user avatar
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Homology of bundles over a triangulated base and $A_\infty$-algebras

Let $p:E \to B$ be a fiber bundle over a triangulated base $B$ with fiber $F$, $\sigma$ simplex in $B$, $\sigma \mapsto H_{*}(p^{-1}(\sigma)) \simeq H_{*}(F)$ the obvious map and let $\mathcal{S}$ be ...
Romeo's user avatar
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Reconstructing complexes of sheaves from their cohomology sheaves

If $R$ is an algebra over some field $k$, and $C$ is a complex of modules over $R$, then according to B. Keller's ``Introduction to A-infinity algebras and modules'', one can record the isomorphism ...
Vivek Shende's user avatar
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Formality of $A_\infty$-category vs formality of its total algebra

Let $\cal C$ be an $A_\infty$-category and $A$ its total algebra (elements in $A$ are formal linear combinations of arbitrary morphisms in $\cal C$ and multiplications of arrows which can't be ...
Jan Weidner's user avatar
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Cocompleteness of the category of small $A_\infty$ categories

To follow up on my previous question, is the category of small $A_\infty$ categories even cocomplete? Looking for reference.
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