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Transferring $A_\infty$-structure from a module to its homology

Given an $A_\infty$-module $M$, which is a graded module $M=\bigoplus_{k\in\mathbb{Z}}M_k$ with morphisms $m_n^M\colon A^{\otimes(n-1)}\otimes M\rightarrow M$ of degree 2-n satisfying the $A_\infty$ ...
Hyperion's user avatar
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Examples of cyclic A-infinity algebra

I am wondering about (references to) examples of cyclic A-infinity algebras- especially including explicit descriptions of the structure maps and pairing. Thanks a lot!
Jak's user avatar
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Construct $A_\infty$ bimodules maps from dg-maps

Let $ A $ be a dg-algebra. Let $U,V,W$ and $Z$ be dg-bimodules over $A$-$A$. Suppose I have cofibrant replacements $\pi_U : Up \rightarrow U$ (as right dg-module) and $\pi_W : pW \rightarrow W$ (as ...
G. Naisse's user avatar
10 votes
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Tensor products of $\infty$-algebras over operads

Let $A$ and $B$ be $A_\infty$-algebras. It's true, but it's a quite nontrivial fact, that the tensor product $A \otimes B$ can be given the structure of $A_\infty$-algebra, too. What is much easier to ...
Dan Petersen's user avatar
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15 votes
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Defining Massey products as transgressions

Let $A$ be a dg algebra, and $x, z \in A$ cocycles. Let's consider the maps $$ A \to A \oplus A \to A$$ given by $y \mapsto (xy,yz)$ and $(u,v) \mapsto uz-xv$, respectively. We think of this as ...
Dan Petersen's user avatar
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