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Existence and characterisations of left Kan extensions and liftings in the bicategory of relations II

This is the second part to a previous question regarding left Kan extensions/lifts in the bicategory $\mathsf{Rel}$ of sets, relations, and inclusions of relations, which has now been split into two ...
Emily's user avatar
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Existence and characterisations of left Kan extensions and liftings in the bicategory of relations I

The bicategory $\mathsf{Rel}$ of sets, relations, and inclusions of relations has right Kan extensions and right Kan lifts¹, however I believe it does not have all left Kan extensions/lifts. Is it ...
Emily's user avatar
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Adjoining extensions in bicategories

Given a bicategory $\mathcal K$, is there a universal construction of a bicategory $\mathcal K'$ and faithful locally fully faithful pseudofunctor $\mathcal K \hookrightarrow \mathcal K'$ such that ...
varkor's user avatar
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Coherence for closed bicategories

A right-closed bicategory [1] is a bicategory that has all right extensions (i.e. right adjoints to precomposition with a fixed 1-cell). A one-object right-closed bicategory is therefore a right-...
varkor's user avatar
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Reference for "taking adjuncts preserves Kan extensions"

I'm using a result similar to the one below, and I would like to know if there is a reference that I can cite. It's easily proved, by "following your nose". The cell $G\phi.\eta_A$ is often ...
Roald Koudenburg's user avatar
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Left Kan extensions of "strong" monoidal functors

Consider the 2-category $\mathsf{MonCat}$ where objects are monoidal categories, 1-cells are strong monoidal functors, and 2-cells are monoidal natural transformations. Given arrows $f: \mathsf{C} \to ...
Eigil Fjeldgren Rischel's user avatar
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Kan extensions in concrete 2-categories

Kan extensions make sense in any 2-category. I am interested in Kan extensions in "concrete" 2-categories consisting of actual categories with some sort of structure (e.g., finite products, finite ...
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