I'm working with maximum a posteriori estimation and managed to show that every probability density function that is continuous in all $R^n$ always has at least one global maximum. I've search around and asked a few fellow engineers and professors but am not sure if this is widely known. This can actually be extended to any continuous Radon-Nikodym derivative of a finite measure.
The proof is simple: let $f$ be the PDF, and be continuous in all $R^n$. If $L(v)$ is the closed superlevel set at $v$, that is: $L(v):= ${$x\in R^n: f(x)\geq v$}, then it must be bounded.
That is so because the neighbourhood of any unbounded set in $R^n$ has infinite Lebesgue measure. Due to continuity of $f$, any lower superlevel set of it, for example $L(v/2)$ contains a neighbourhood of $L(v)$. The probability of the superlevel sets is bounded below by $P[L(v)]\geq v \lambda[L(v)]$. This means that if any superlevel set of $f$ were unbounded, then a lower superlevel set would have probability greater than one.
Since all closed superlevel sets are bounded, they are compact and attain their maximum.