I think that Daniele and Sergey have, between the two pretty much answered my question. However, I would like to add the following:
Regarding TOP Morse theory, in [Mor1959] M. Morse laid the foundations of the theory of topological non-degenerate functions, and proved the TOP Morse inequalities.
Also, in [Kui1961] the topological version of the Reeb-Milnor theorem for DIFF manifolds is proven. That is, a TOP n-dimensional closed manifold admiting a TOP Morse function having exactly two non-degenerate critical points is homeomorphic to the n-sphere.
Another source containing further results for topological manifolds via TOP Morse theory that parallel those obtained for differentiable manifolds is J. Cantwell's paper [Can1967].
Kirby and Siebenmann's "Foundational essays on topological manifolds, smoothings, and triangulations is freely available here. In section 3 of Essay III (p. 80) they define Morse functions in the DIFF and TOP categories for manifolds possibly with boundary.
Finally, simple examples of non-differentiable TOP Morse function are easily found. For example, the absolute value function on $\mathbb{R}$, $x\rightarrow |x|$. The origin is a non-degenerate critical point. Also the height function restricted to the double cone (i.e., the space formed by the cones $x^{2}+y^{2}=(z\pm1)^{2}$) has exactly two non-degenerate critical points (the tips of the cones).
Regarding PL Morse theory, J. Harer's slides contain an interesting approach using homology. In particular, a PL Morse function is defined using Betti numbers.
[Cant1967] J. Cantwel, Topological non-degenerate functions, Tohoku Math. Journ., 20 (1968), 120-125.
[Kui1961] N.H. Kuiper, A continuous function with two critical points, Bull. Amer. Math. Soc., 67(1961), 281-285.
[Mor1959] M. Morse, Topological non-degenerate functions on a compact manifold $M$, Journal d'Analyse Math., 7 (1959), 189-208.