I'm looking for a reference for the following result, which is a generalization of the classical theorem of Dirichlet on the approximability of real irrationals by rational numbers:
Let $k$ be a number field, $O$ its ring of integers, $v$ an infinite place of $k$, $\alpha$ any element of the completion $k_v$. Let $\|\cdot\|_v$ be the usual absolute value (or its square, if $v$ is a complex place). Let $H$ denote the multiplicative height function relative to $k$ -- that is, for any element $x\in k$, let $H(x)=\prod_w \max(1,\|x\|_w)$, where the product is over all places $w$ of $k$. Then there is a positive real constant $C$ depending only on $k$ such that
$$\|\alpha-x\|_v < \frac{C}{H(x)^2}$$
for infinitely many $x\in k$.
I think I can prove this, but I am surely not the first. If anyone can tell me a good place to point to for this result, I'd be very grateful -- thanks!