If a polyhedron is homeomorphic to a simplex, is it piecewise-linear homeomorphic? In particular, is this true in $R^{4}$? In 2 and 3 dimensions any two polyhedra that are homeomorphic are PL-homeomorphic, by theorems of Rado and Moise. In dimension $\geq 5$, this is a trivial special case of theorem 1.1 in M.A. Armstrong "The Hauptvermutung According to Lashof and Rothenberg" in The Hauptvermutung Book. But I have not found a statement that covers it for dimension 4; and I am not confident that dimension 4 can easily be reduced to dimension 5.
Also, if anyone can suggest a reference for this particular case that does not go through these very high-powered, difficult, general theorems, I would be interested on stylistic grounds.