My question refers to the paper where Batyrev proves that birational Calabi-Yau algebraic varieties have equal Betti numbers by counting points over finite fields using p-adic integration and so computes the Betti numbers using the Weil conjectures.
It seems that he is doing the following. Given a variety $X$ over $\mathbb{C}$, we can actually write it (and all the associated data we care about) as a variety $\mathcal{X}$ over $\mathcal{R}$, some finite-type $\mathbb{Z}$-algebra: i.e. such that $\mathcal{X} \otimes_\mathcal{R} \mathbb{C} = X$. We then fix an approriate maximal ideal $J(\pi)$ of $\mathcal{R}$ which lies above $p \in \mathbb{Z}$. I think we then turn our attention to the variety $\mathcal{X}\otimes_\mathcal{R} (\mathcal{R}/J(\pi))$, and using a ring of integers $R$ of a local number field with this as special fibre, we can count the number of points this variety has over every finite field extension of $\mathbb{F}_q = \mathcal{R}/J(\pi)$ using p-adic integration.
So the Weil conjectures give us the Betti numbers of this variety, and by proper smooth base change these Betti numbers are the same as those of $\mathcal{X} \otimes_\mathcal{R} \mathbb{C}$, but where the map $\mathcal{R} \rightarrow \mathbb{C}$ is not the natural inclusion but rather $\mathcal{R} \rightarrow R \hookrightarrow \mathbb{C}$. Since he is trying to compute the cohomology of the former, this doesn't make sense to me.
Can anyone see if I'm making a mistake somewhere? (or how my issue can be resolved?)
Thanks, Tom.