In 1966-1968 Yuri Manin gave a 2 year lecture course in algebraic geometry at Moscow State University. The course starts from scratch and culminates in the proof of the Riemann-Roch theorem following SGA6 with some simplifications. The course was subsequently published by the Moscow University Press in two parts. Part 2 contained the proof of the Riemann-Roch theorem and Part 1 the preliminary material. (Part 2 also appeared as a paper in the Russian Mathematical Surveys.)
However, the version of Part 1 that I have has only chapters 1 to 15, and in Part 2 Manin makes references to chapters 25 and 22 of Part 1. This is why I would like to ask whether any more of Part 1 exists, apart from chapters 1-15, and if so, whether it has been made publicly available.
Thank you.