On page 90 of Calculus on Manifolds, Spivak defines the pull-back $f^*\omega$ of a differential form by a differentiable map by the usual formula. On page 97, he defines a singular $k$-cube as a continuous map $c:[0,1]^k\to\mathbb{R}^n$. Finally, on page 101, he defines the integral of a differential $k$-form against a singular $k$-cube by the formula $\int_c\omega=\int_{[0,1]^k} c^*\omega$.
I don't see, however, where he defines the pull back $c^*\omega$ of a differentiable form by a continuous map (or how he could).
So my questions are: (a) Is this an error (or am I missing something)? (b) Have other people noticed it?