
Let G be a [ CF ] grammar, and let elements of semiring be sets of rules.

Define multiplication as:

$$ x\otimes y = \{ t| \exists r \in x \exists s \in y (t=subst(r,s))\} $$

where $subst(r,s)$ is rewriting of grammar rule $r$ by formal substitution of one symbol in the rule body matching $s$ head with $s$ body. For example, the rule

expr : expr oper expr

matches itself and rewrites into

expr : expr oper expr oper expr

Next, define addition $ \oplus $ as set union.

Is it known semiring?

  • $\begingroup$ add apostrophes before dollar signs to fix that IIRC. $\endgroup$
    – Will Sawin
    Commented Nov 19, 2011 at 20:16


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