I've run into the problem of trying to evaluate the following:
$\max_{ \xi} \iint_{\partial B \times \partial B} \xi(x) \Phi(|x-y|) \xi(y) dS(x)dS(y)$
subject to $\int_{\partial B} \xi(y)dS(y) = 0$ and $\int_{\partial B}\xi^2(y)dS(y)=1$ where $B \subset \mathbb{R}^3$ is a ball of radius $1$ and $\Phi(|x-y|)=\frac{1}{|x-y|}$ is the Newtonian potential.
This seems to resemble an inverse fractional Soblev norm such as $H^{-1}$ and moreover appears to be related to the problem of finding an optimal Poincare constant.
My guess is that the maximum is obtained for $\xi=+1$ on the upper half and $\xi=-1$ on the lower half. Given this however, I still cannot do an explicit calculation to determine this quantity. Is there a standard reference for such problems arising in Potential Theory perhaps which will allow one to evaluate (even approximately) such expressions?
For instance I know I can rewrite the above as: $\int_{\partial B} |\nabla w|^2$ where $-\Delta w = \mu$ and $\mu(x) = \xi(x)dS(x)$ but I'm not sure how this can help me to evaluate such an expression.
To summarize, I would like to try to evaluate the above double integral for the particular function $\xi = +1$ on the upper half of the ball and $\xi=-1$ on the lower half. Being able to solve explicitly the above maximization problem would be a bonus.