A book on Quantum Mechanics states, "A unitary operator can be considered to be a complex valued function of a Hermitian operator."
Please give a hint on how to prove this assertion.
A book on Quantum Mechanics states, "A unitary operator can be considered to be a complex valued function of a Hermitian operator."
Please give a hint on how to prove this assertion.
Sounds more like a homework/wikipedia problem and not suitable for here but anyways:
First one should maybe mention Stones Theorem which says there is a one-to-one correpsondence between strongly continuous unitary one-parameter group $\lbrace U(t)\rbrace_{t \in \mathbb R}$ and self-adjoint operators $A$ given by $U(t)=\exp(\mathrm i tA)$.
This follows from the more general Borel function calculus from which also follows that for $A$ self-adjoint and $f$ a complex Borel functions with $|f|=1$ follows that $f(A)$ is a unitary. For a hermitian operator this statement is wrong, but in physics literature there is often not made a difference between hermitian and self-adjoint operators and the technichal problems comming with these, I refer to the books of Reed and Simon.
Consider $a=i\cdot\log(u)$ by Borel functional calculus. $a$ is self-adjoint since $a^{*}=-i\log(u^{*})=-i\log(u^{-1})=i\log(u)$ and $\exp(-ia)=u$.