This is a simple bibliographic request that I have been unable to pin down. Max Dehn's solution to Hilbert's 3rd problem is:
Max Dehn, "Über den Rauminhalt." Mathematische Annalen 55 (190x), no. 3, pages 465–478.
It is variously cited as either 1901 or 1902 (but always volume 55; Hilbert's own footnote cites volume 55 "soon to appear"). E.g.,
- MathWorld cites it as 1902.
- The Encyclopedic Dictionary of Mathematics cites it as 1902.
- Wikipedia says 1901.
- Various papers, e.g., this one, and Tao's book, cite it as 1901.
I have been unsuccessful in finding the definitive year via the web, because of all the conflicting citations. The next step is to retrieve Mathematische Annalen volume 55, but perhaps someone can spare me that trouble...? Thanks!
in a comment above is now broken, but the article can be found at doi:10.1007/BF01448001 (JFM 32.0486.01). $\endgroup$
is broken. I presume it was meant to link to the following one: Tao, Terence, An Introduction to Measure Theory, Graduate Studies in Mathematics 126. Providence, RI: American Mathematical Society (AMS) (ISBN 978-0-8218-6919-2/hbk). xvi, 206 p. (2011). Zbl 1231.28001. $\endgroup$